
The hams.live system consists of two main elements, client software on a user’s computer and web server elements in a common domain that help users identify and efficiently manage and connect to hundreds of freely available Software Defined Radio receivers (SDR Sources) worldwide. SDR Sources by design can easily be accessed with only a web browser, and some have tried doing this. The chance of receiving information from a transmitter potentially increases greatly if there are  SDR Sources in place at location(s) with favorable radio propagation conditions. Finding the best available SDR Source for a given situation has become a challenge for many. Setting SDR Source common frequency/mode to match a transmit station, adjusting settings and comparing signal strengths is complicated….but not with hams.live!

  • Client software with a customizable graphical user interface
    • Multiple operating systems (Windows/Mac/Linux)
    • Embedded browser control with optional direct interaction
    • Control of multiple audio Sources (including wired transceiver feed)
    • Frequency/mode/waterfall zoom synchronization across all SDR Sources
    • Geographic SDR Sources organized using global regions and Grid Squares
    • Display of active SDR Source with waterfall, S-Meter, etc.
    • Integrated USA callsign lookup returns Grid Square/Name/Address
    • Available audio/video recording capabilities
    • Support both cloud based and peer-peer audio/video streaming
  • Web server elements
    • Identify/Select higher performing SDR Sources of different varieties
    • Associating SDR Sources with a common domain to easily manage
    • Provide URL redirection
    • Pass optimized SDR Source settings/options

The hams.live system provides all above flexibility and options for a small annual fee so subscribers can fully leverage the power of global public SDR Sources. The system can be accessed free for the first 14 days. Install and configure the required software, and see how easy it is to use this powerful system.